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Alexander Spivakovsky

Updated: 5/21/2012


The first vice-rector, head of the Chair of Informatiсs, candidate of physical and mathematical Sciences, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Honoured Professor of Yan Dlugosh Academy, Professor, honored educator of Ukraine, Head of Specialized academic council K67.051.02 (13.00.02 - Theory and Methods of teaching (mathematics); 13.00.04 - Theory and Methods of professional education),Member of Specialized academic council of Institute of Information technology and methods of learning NAPS Ukraine (13.00.10 – “Information and communication technologies in education”).

Postulates for the Lecturers

Updated: 5/21/2012

1. You are not chief.

2. You are not knowledge source.

3. You are not a guide for students.

4. You are an Opportunity for students; if you are compos mentis, the Opportunity prevails.

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